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Development Services

Del Mar Heights Block 5

DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 5.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS Lot 12- Permit to Howard sink in hallway on second BLOCK 5 cOC tS"l S ~ ~b-1 b 9-Z- o(S l S Bales and Joe Shirley to constr 2 story sin fam dwell with bar leveL at 14on Mira Montana. Zone R-1-6. AGREE #1848 4-18-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 8- AGREEMENT with EDWIN COOPER & WILLIAM GALBREATH to construct a 2-story SFD unit with_a wet bar located ~n the family room with exterior access through the laundry room lead1ng to the garage w1th exterior access, at 14015 Mita Montana Drive, Rl-6000 zone. Agree# 3963 3/23/88 Lot 12- Agreement with Cecil and Vicky Gorsh to construct an addition to existing two- story single family dwelling. First floor addition consists of full bath, extension of exercise room and wet bar in existing family room. Addition has interior access from 2nd floor living room and exterior access through existing family room, located at 14071 Mira Montana Drive, Rl-6000 zone. Agreement #4415 10-3-89