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Development Services

Del Mar Heights Block 56 Card 1

DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 56 CARD 1.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS txJO /t;;,s 7 '!!6m,06x~5f "l.. ~ (S1 S ~ l l\\ Lot6- Z.A. considered the appl of Stephen G. & Louise w. Fletcher, owners and carter Sign Co., lessee to erect and maintain for a period of two years on unlighted, double-faced 4' x 8 1 x 10' bigb, directional ground sign directing the public to Del Mar Hills, a new subdiv located approx one mile NEly at 2005 Del Mar Heights Rd. at tbe SE cor of its inter- section with Pacific Hwy (Old 101) Zone R-1-6 and has DENIED tne request as submitted but APPROVED the sign for a period of one year. Cond 'L. Ext to exp 11-1-69 (9-12-68) Ext to ex~ 11-1-70 (10-21-69) No ext 11-1-71 Ext to exp 11-1-72 (12-8-71) Ext to exp 11-173 (11-6-72) C-8416 N.H. 10-25-67 Amended- 4-16-73 Ext of time DENIED 11-7-73 Appealed by Shirle~ Rathmann-to BZA- appeal DENIED- 12-19-73 Lot 10- to Joe Shirley to constr residence with bar sink in living room on 2nd floor at De Mayo Rd. Zone R-1-6. AGREE #1817 12-15-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 12- Permit to Ramsey & Shirley Najor to const sin fam dwe~I with bar sink in lab on lower level, 2070 De Mayo Rd, Zone R-1-6. AGREE# 2127 12-11-75 Lot 12- Permit to Ramsey & Shirley Najor to erect 20' of 6' hi stucco fence obs O' st side yd on Nob Ave where max 3' hi fence Is perm! in 10' st sldeyd (180' of fence to be erected on City right-of-way-encro permit attch)- TABLED because council denied street closings c-13502 /