Del Mar Heights Block 56 Card 2
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 56 CARD 2.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 5,,., S CARD 2 tJCl)l~"> ~.,~.. lb f '2 C> ~. Lot 12- Permit to Ramsey L, & Shirley G, Najor to erect 20' of 61 hi stucco f'en to obs a 0 1 st side yd where a max 3' hi f'en is perm in 10' st side yd (18o' of f'enc to be erected on City right-of'-wa,y by encroachment permit) at 2070 De ma.vo Rd., Zone R-1-6 cond'l c- 13502 6-22-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 12- AGREEMENT to Ramsey Najor to constr s fam dw with bar sink in fam rm on lower level, at 2070 De Mayo Rd~ Zone R-1-6 AGREE #2170 6-17-76 Lot 6- DENIED- Stephen G. Fletcher, Inc. to erect & maintain for I yr a 4 1 x 8 1 w/logo (total 37,66 sq. ft.) single-face, freestanding non-illuminated subdivision directional sign, II' high, advertising "Sea Point" Joe approx 2 miles to the south, at 2005 Del Mar Heights Rd, Zone R-1-6.- C-13848 10-4-76 Lot 2- Permit to Louis Knierim & Donna Long at 1378o Nob Ave, Zone a 6 1 hi fence on top of 3011 deck (total ht 8.6 1) to obs 611 int yd. C-16041 R-1-6, to erect Condit. 5/15/79----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------