Del Mar Heights Block 7
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 7.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 7 occ I 5"'; ~ ~~'I-~ Lot 8- Permit to David and Jean M. Gizzi to install bar sink in rumpus level of new sin fam dwell at 13926 Mira Montana Ave. Zone R-1-6. AGREE #1792 room on lower 9-13-72 Lot 13- Permit DENIED to Carl P. Hinkleman to maintain exist sin:f'am dwell with gar obs 15' SB where 25' has been estab, at 13923 Boquita Dr betw Lozana Rd and El Amige Rd (as amended). Zone R-1-6. C-11432 9-1-72 APPEALED- Appeal DENIED and the decision of the Asst Z.A. be and hereby is, sustained and affirmed. c-11432 12-27-72 APPEALED- Council GRANTED appeal C-11432 4-973----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------