Del Mar Heights Block 9 Card 1
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 9 CARD 1.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS Block 9 S t"\t_ CAIID#l (9 (~1',;,."- Lot 10- Permit DENIED to Ronald N. &: Gail L. Frazar to constr sin fam dwell with a detached garage; (1) both obs a 3' street sideyd, where 8 1 is req & result in approx 44i cover where 4~ is perm and (2) to constr 3' eave overhang obs o street sideyd where eave overhang may be no closer than 2 16" from any property line; at 2430XJJIIP DX El Amigo Rd., betw Marcado & Recuerdo Drs., Zone R-1-6. APPEALED- Adjusted and approved by BZA C-9802 C-9802 5-1-70 5-26-70--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9-:eermit to Karl L. & Martlla L. Ours to constr sin:fam res witll bar sink in fam room on first:floor at 13912 Mercado Dr. Zone R-1-6. AGREE #1761 5-9-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 8- Permit DENIED to Pnil and Eva Marx to maintain exist sin fam dwell now under constr obs 15' SB, wnere 25' is establisned on Mercado Dr betw El Amigo and Lozana Roads. R-1-6 zone. C-11111 3-29-72 APPEALED- Appeal DENIED and tne decision of tne Z.A. be and nereby is sustained and affirmed. C-11111 5~22-12 APPEALED to Council- DENIED C-11111 7-13-72