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Development Services

Del Mar Heights Block 90 Card 1

DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 90 CARD 1.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS Lots 10-11- Permit DENIED to Albert w. & Cecelia Lantz and Donald E, & Monica Wnitt to constr sin fam dwell on eacn lot (Lot 10 is 5525 sq, ft., Lot 11, 4725 sq. ft.) wnere no lots contiguous to eacn otner and joined in ownersnip subsequent to 5-21-70 may be separated ao as to create a lot or paccel less tnan 6ooo sq. ft. wnicn is req for min lot size in tnis R-1-6 zone, at 2158 La Amatista- betw Nob and Condesa Dr. c-11615 11-29-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 9- Permit to Gene and Vera Oswalt to constr. single famly. dwelling and to result in.60 floor aeea ratio where max.,50 is permit. at 2130 La Amatista Rd. betw. Condesa Dr. and Nob Ave. Zoned R-1-6. Cond'l C-13212 NH 7-3-75 Portion of Lot 7 and an unnumbered lot, lying east of Lot #7- Permit APPROVED by A2A to JOSEPH AND CHARLOTTE QUICKER to erect 104 1 of 6 1 high concrete block wall to observe a 0 1 setback on La Amatista Road where a maximum 31 high freestanding fence or wall ttermitted in the required 15 1 front yard, at 605 Nob Avenue, Zone R-1-6. C-17430 NH 10-5-81 Portion of Parcel 1 and all of Parcel 2- AGREEMENT to DR. ALBERT W. AND CECELIA F. LANTZ to construct a single-family dwelling with wet bar in game room located on the first floor, located at 2172 La Amatista Road, Zone R-1-6. AGREEMENT #3330 7-18-85