Del Mar Hills Commercial Tract Card 1
DEL MAR HILLS COMMERCIAL TRACT CARD 1.tif DEL MAR HILLS COMMERCIAL TRACT oc b '313 s. 1. b {, ~ 1 b9 5 CARD fl 1 ~-oCt1 ~~ S ~ (J Por. Lot l- Perm11. to Pardee Construction Compan.y to erect 573' oi' concrete block wa1l l 6 1 high along purtion of permiter of premises that abut residentially zoned property where such.waJ.1 shall be constructed along all portions of perimeter of peemises (678 1 req) abutting residentially zoned property, on Mango Drive between Ama.tista Rc!iad and Del Mar Heights Road, zone CA. / C-12,644 N.H. 5-16-74-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot l- Permit to Pardee Constr. Company, to operate a Veterinary Clinic in exist bldg located on shopping center site, at 2638 Del Mar Heights Rd, Zone CA COND'L C-13,721 7-14~76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot I- Permit to Southland Corporation (CUP) to const and operate a gasoline sales facility at the northeast corner of Del Mar Heights Road and Mango Drive. CA Zone. 517-PC.__ 3-31-78.__ ~ :__ \.C);-\\-\ \----------------------------------------- Parcels I and 2 of P.M. #3927 (Portion of Parcel Maps #1445 and #134, Portion of Lot I- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY to develop Parcels 3, 4, 6 and 7 with commercial buildings providing all required parking but parking access across Parcels 2 and 5 where off-street parking is required to have direct access to a public street or alley, located north of Del Mar Heights Road and east of Mango Drive, Zone CA. Conditions C-17686 7-23-82