Del Mar Hills Unit # 1
DEL MAR HILLS UNIT # 1.tif,.cDEL~MAR fllLLS UNIT-HO. 1- ~O~f"'~i~;r \~~ fl,j- ~ Lots 7 &:.32-:t..A. considered the app of Card!po tow. to erect on ea lot, one 5 1 high curved entcy wall with 6 1 columns obs 0 1 SB on.tioquita St. where max.3' high fence is perm in estab 15' SB, and install for a period not to exceed one yr,_c:m an approx 5' high by 18' ll!nmpanel one indirect lighted ID sign advert 11 Del Ma:r Hills", a new sub; on Boquita Dr. at NE & NW cors of Boquita Dr. & Lozana.i:td., R-1-6, and has DENIED the application as requested but APPROVED a 3' high wall with columns a max of 4' high obs 0 1 SB on Boquita St., and a.3' high by approx 181 long panel with sign advert "Del Mar Hilla, Cond11. Cases No. 8339 & 8.340 N.H. 9-22-67 =-~-~~-=~-~~-~=~~:69_~~=~:~~~---(.~tU ~ i.~.R-:.w.i2____________________________________ ABOVE- c-6339 APPROVED c-8340 DENIED c-8339 &: 40 9-19-69----------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------