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Del Mar Terrace Block 11 Card 1

DEL MAR TERRACE BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif ~t.. 4,.. 1!7. ..,.:..:. " r PE:WDPlCJ S? f'~~~~J~--~ Card I i 9~u'{Lotti ll 12- Charles & Pauline Gawle to conet split level sing ta re with bar ink in taa l'll, 128)8 Via llestoN..qreeaent Mo. 1549 7-22-68__,________________-_________,__________,___________ Bor Lots 33 & 34- As:st. Z.A. nas considered tne req of Harry & Alice Guzelimian to erect a sin fam res obs 10' rear yd, wnere 20' is req on Via Latina, easterly of Via Grimaldo, in tne R-l-5?Zone and nas DENIED the appl as req, but APPROVEil.a 15' rear yd condl' c-10314 2-18-71 Lots 4 & 5- Permit DERIED to Stephen A. and Donna Webster to constr a sin fam. res witn det gar obs a 5' front yd where 15' is req, Via Merano betw Via Grimaldi and Via Restore. Zone R-1-5. C-10978 1-18-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por. Lots 33 & 34, Parca A of P.M. 402- Permit to George Marincovich to: (l) Constr sgle fam dwelling with balcony obs 11 1 frnt yd where 15' is req, & sundeck obs 14 1 rear yd, where 20 1 is req; (2) erect 8 1 of 8 1 hi retain wal,1, obs at closest pt a 14 1 rear yd, where max 6 1 hi wall is JU!rm in req 20 1 rear yd; & (3) provide access to,_g:,;i"rge from 10'-easement loc partially on adj lot to south where access from same riot is required; on Via Latina betw,V'ia Grimaldi & Via Torina, Zone R-1-5.- . c-11108 3-30-12--------------------------------------,~---------..kf----------------------~------------------ AB0VE C-11108- AMEND (3) provide access to garage from easement located entirely on adj Parcel B, per revised plans dated 4-19-72. C-11108 4;.;17-'!{'2.