Del Mar Terrace Block 12 Card 5
DEL MAR TERRACE BLOCK 12 CARD 5.tif DEL MAR TEP.RAC!:'.,:IS 71? ; 1-. ~c,.. it,. ~cbcK 12 0ft;1>. CARD #S Lot 79- ZA APPROVED request of ROBERT E. BRUCKER to constr. a garage over an existing'('(_ parking deck & to constr an elevated walkway to an existing SFD; garage & walkway to obs. a 5' front yd where a 15' front yd is reqd. for all structures over 3' in height at 13054 Via Grimaldi, Zone Rl-5000 G-18586 9/28/84 Lots 25, 26 and northwest 14'-0" of Lot 24- AGREEMENT to MARILYN RUMMERFIELD to enlarge 3/4 bath to full bath and relocate wet bar in existing party room, located at 12980 Via Esperia, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3280 4-25-85 Lot 77- AGREEMENT w/ TRACY CANTOR & GARY R CANTOR to add a full bathroom to an existing bedroom & family room located at the lowest level of a SFD, at 13046 Via Grimald, Map 1527, Rl-5000 zone. Agree# 4041 6/7/88 Lot 77- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by Gary Cantor to construct a two- car garage enclosing an existing parking deck; (amend C-14323 which permitted a single- family dwelling with (1) deck and architectural projections observing, at the closest point, an 1'611 side- yard where 4'0" is required; (2) a parking deck to observe a 0'0" front yard where 15'0" is.required, and (3) result in a building height of 34 10" where a maximum of 30 1011 height is permitted), located at 13046 Via Grimaldi, zone Rl-5000. C-19704 01-18-89