Del Mar Terrace Block 13 Card 1
DEL MAR TERRACE BLOCK 13 CARD 1.tif DEL MAR TERRACB Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Kenneth 8o Dorothy Archer for perm to erect approx 42 1 of stucco wall, 51 high obs a 9 1 front yd, where a max 3' high waJ.l is perm in a 15' front yrd at 12884 Via Latina, betwn Via Grimal.di and Via Torina, in the R-l-5 Zone- Cond'l C-12,O09 N.H. 6-1-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcels 1 & 2, Resub of Lots 21, 22- Permit to AB.Smith & Shirley Smith and Tracy Nelson & David Stockton to const a sfd on Parcel 2 with access to req pklng across Parcel I at 12857 Via Grimaldi. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14152. 3-15-77. Lots 9 & JO- Permit to M. Lou Marsh to erect 87' of 2' to 5' hi retaining wall with 6 1 solid fence on top where max. 6 1 hi retaining wall with 3.5'- 50"/o open fence on top is permitted in the r' reqd. SY at 12916 Via Latina, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17374 7/30/81 Lot 33- AGREEMENT to SEAN & LEIE CARMODY to construct a garage with bedroom and bath on second story addition to existing two-story single-family dwelling, located at 12982 Via Latina, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2977 9-19-83 Lots 15-18, FENCE VARIANCE was withdrawn by the applicant and accepted by DPM, OFELIA NICHOLS, OWNERiWILLIAM ELDER, APPLICANT sought to construct a solid 6' high concrete block and plaster fence within the 15' front yard and 10' street side yard setbacks along Via Latina on a lot with an existing single family residence, Rl-5000 Zone 99-0297 6-23-99