Del Mar Terrace Block 6
DEL MAR TERRACE BLOCK 6.tif DEL MAR TERRACE BLOCK 6 oo I '> ~ 2- '", S '2 ~ o... I 6?.5 C,(~7)-S Lots l- 2 Lot 43 Permit to const 144 sq ft laundry rm add to exist 572 sq ft gar w/3' rear & l' side yd (25' & 5' req) at 2534 Sorrento, R-1 Condl. Case 3413 7-6-60 Permit DENIEDMcKellar & Wyer to move sing fam res onto lot; res to obsv 3'3" side yd & to obsv 12' SB on Via Esperia where 4' side yd & 15' SB are req on SW corn of Via Esperia & Via Aprilia, Zone R-1-5, cases No. 6862 & 6863 12-29-64 Lots 23 and 24- Permit DENIED to Mark & Jean Friedman to erect approx 230' of 61 ni solid wood fence, a por to obs at closest point al' street side yard where max 3' fence is perm in req 10' street side yard at 12795 Via Donada betw Carmel Valley Rd and Via Aprilia. Zone R-1-5. C-10774 N.H. 9-9-71