Del Mar Terrace Block 7
DEL MAR TERRACE BLOCK 7.tif ~, Lota 1 & 2- Permit DENIED to 'rneodore R, & Rbberto Harwood, purcb. & Otil H. &:; B. Alice Kilgore, own to const anursery acb.ool facility for 42 cb.ildren, 5 days a week betw tl1e hours of 9 a.m. &: 4 p.m. vb.en sin fam dwell only are perm on tile IE cor Carmel Valley Rd.&: Via Eaperia (betw Via Esperia &: Via Felino) in tbe R-1-5 Zone. C-9594 12-10-69 Lot 12- AGREEMENT /11622 to Dennis A. Newman to construct sin fam dwell witll 2nd floor playroom with bar sink at 12745 Via Esperia, Zone R-1-5. A-1622 2-2-70 Lot 22- Permit to David Stockton to constr sin fam dwell w/bar sink in laundry room at 12855 Via Esperia, Zone R-1-5, A-2161 5-17-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 35 & 36- Permit DENIED to Andrew & Tracy Ann Nelson & David Stockton to const a sgle fam dwell obs 11 int side yd, at W side of Via Felino between Via Aprilia and Carmel Valley Rd., R-,-5. C-15773 3/22/79---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portion lots 21, 22, 35 & 36; Parcel Map #8669, Parcel 2- Permit to Andrew E. & Tracy Ann NELSON APPROVED by ZA to construct a two-story single family dwell ins observing a 5 1 street side yard on Via Aprilia where 10 1 is required; (2) to erect approximately 72' of retaining wall and freestanding wall combination ranging in height from O' to JO' observing at the closest point a 1.5 1 street side yard where a maximum 3' high wall is permitted in a JO' street side yard, at 12794 Via Fel ino, Zone R-1-5. Condition. ~- CASE #16266 10-4-79--.