Del Norte Addn. To Encanto Heights Card 3
DEL NORTE ADDN. TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 3.tif DEL NORTE ADDITION TO ENC.ANTO HEIGHTS CARD/f3;: "o Lot 195- Pe:nnit to Heers Brothers, Inc,, Lessee, & R. c. Dixon, Owner, to park constr company office trailer (with l'- 3' sign on side) & use lot as construction storage for 6 mos. S side of Mallard St betw Alcedo & Mulberry Sts, R-2, to expire 3-l 7-6o, Case #2787 9-4-59 Lot 98- Permit to Gail R, & Betty R. Schwarz to maintain exist retain wall ranging in ht from 30" at O' SB to 8' hi at 15' SB from Tooley St (aver SB of blk req 15') 6352 Tooley St, R-1, N.H. Case #4489 10-16-61 Lot 101- Permit to Leslie D, Sartain, Rosado Wiseman & Louise R. Saunders, Owner, to maintain 5' hi x 38 1 long chain link fence with 12' obsv 0' SB & 25 1 obsv O' to 25' SB on lot, 6392 Tooley St, NW corn Swan Sts, R-2. Case #4499 11-3-61 Lot 53- Permit to Hideo Kobayashi (amended application) to const lO'x 20' storage room1addn to exist 520 sq ft garage, at 65()Q ~ringfield, in R-2 Zone; request granted cond'l. Case No. 8801 8-14-68