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Delano Tract L.P

DELANO TRACT L.P.tif cJCJ I 7 /, 5;,o (;- 1 i 2, 7 "J?:S::~ DELANO TRACT L, P t 'l'i C,._t fo~ Lot 21- N- portion, Suspension of (12321) at 29th & Kalmia Pl, DENIED, by Res. 69479, 6-13-39, to Albert B. Wright; Change of setback again DENIED, by Res. 69657, 7-18-39. Lot 20, exc. Wly 18o ft. thereof- Permit to Ira A. Cleveland to const a wall on top of an exist retaining wall to total height of 10 ft., 2839 Kalmia Place. Res. No. 3280 7-14-48 Lot 12- Permit for Hillside Review Permlt to Walter Lones, 2887 Kalmia Pl for wood deck 255-HR 1-12-76 Lot 12- Permit to Walter & Dorothy Lones to const 16'x30' deck addn on lot w/exist sinfam dwell & gar; deck to obs 0 1 frontyd on Laurel St where 15' req & 2 1 int sideyd where 4' req, APPROVED frontyd of O' but DENIED 2 1 int sldeyd but APPROVED 3' int sldeyd, 2887 Kalmia Pl Zone R-1-5 (HR), cond'I C-13597 5-12-76