DELLCREST.tif DELLCREST Lot 13 co?6....,G7.s,'-,G.-1~,i.., ~C.7f. S- Permit to Whitney & Dela H. Waterman to split Lot 13 into 2 par, one with 4o fr., 2nd with 54.47 fr. on Dellcrest Lane & erect sing fam res on ea. Res. No. 629() 3-19-52../Lot 4- Permit to Robert B. Bottomley DENIED to const addn to res to observe 8 SB (15' req) at 1332 Dellcrest Lane, R-1 Case No. 1188 5-16-57 Lot ll- Hessel L. & Marjorie Farnham to install bar sink in sing i'am res, 1317 Dellcreat Lane, Zone li-1. Agreement No. ll.36 Lot 4- John K. & Rita L. Fawcett to const recreation rm addn to erist dwell with no access to dwell with bar sink in recreation rm, 1132 Dellcrest Lane, Zone R-1-5. Agreement No. 1493 8-3-67,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------