Diamond Point Un.#2
DIAMOND POINT UN.#2.tif 01,:H0No"po1'tir li2 oo'-1., J s I~ O l'1 r.i (, l l'-s, ' Lot 68- Permit to Rollo Et Maril~ I. Watkins to maintain exist 21 hi concrete block ~ wall betw 4 1 hi concrete posts where max 31 hi wall is perm in req front yd(addl wall in public right-of-way by encroachment permit also overht); at 3747 Schirra St betw Givens & Norstad Sts Zone R-1-5. Condi. C-10984 N.H. 12-17-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 100- Permit DEl'IIED to Ken & Mary Collins to constr a 16 1 xl3' res patio addn to exist sin fam dwell resulting in approx 4~ cov, where a max 4~ is perm at 3764 Alaska St. betw Norstad and Givens Streets, Zone R-1-5. C-12224 N.H. 9-24-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 74- Permit DENIED by ZA to ANICET0 E. & NILDA L. H~BR0N, owners; GRACE ALLIANCE CHURCH, lessee to use an existing single-family residence as a church facility, located at 3704 Schirra Street, Zone R-1-5. CUP 18a)2 1-20-84