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Development Services

Dixon's Sub. #2

DIXON'S SUB. #2.tif DIXON'S SUB #2.. 'l\ Lot 13 Lot 8- Permit to Earl D. Squier to erect 5' solid board fence on top of 3' retain wall, 3927 Santa Cruz, back of setback line. Res. No. 4617 4-19-50- Dixon's Sub #2 & Por Lot 17, Blk 3, Wildwood & st closed adj, Permit to Chas. M., Jr. & Peggy B. Snell & JJVA, Owners, to convert exist gar to family room & attach to sing fa.m dwell on parcel split prior to 12-5-54, 1705 Redondo St, Ely corn Santa Cruz Ave & Redondo st, R-1. case 38o7 1-27-61