Donna Estates Block 61
DONNA ESTATES BLOCK 61.tif DONNA ESTATES BLOCK 61 Lot 176- Permit to Roosevelt Harman to erect a 4 1 x 81, 12' high sign on Skyline Drive approx one mile to east obs O' sb on Euclid Avenue and Olvera Avenue at 5102 Logan Ave., ~~~=~~~~!~'.J'.:-"~t':c,_S-.21~~~~z~)_\ld.ti;;_L,1~~li~~t~-~l~L~y._______________________ Lot 82- Permit to Sammy & Yoshie THOMAS to construct 13' X 14' playroom addition to existing single family dwelling. Addition to observe 10' rear yard where 20' is required, at 5145 Reynolds Street between Palin St. and Euclid Ave. Zone R-1-5. C-10550 ~ C.-:2..4-11 AMEND 9-4-79- Permission to include construction of an 11'-2" X 12' bedroom addition to observe a 13' re&r yard where 20 1 Is required. Condition.