Dos Pueblos #1 Card 2
DOS PUEBLOS #1 CARD 2.tif DOS PUEBLOS Ill 0 I O "3;.I 2. 5 2 '2 7- I "I 2--? Io"\ l ~.. 3. Lots 8 & 18, Map No, 10312 RIVER RUN CLUB to provide 49 parking buildings on Lots 8 & 18, where 121 parking spaces are required, section of Rio San Diego Drive and River Run Drive, Zone R-1000. APPROVED with conditions C-19482 CARD "' SC(spaces for residential located at the inter- 4/10/87-Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 145 77,,Lots 9 through 13,- at___ River Run Drive, Dos Pueblos Unit #1, applicant's request tabled. C-19556 5-28-87 Lots 7-19- APPROVED request of RIVER RUN CLUB to provide two-way access to reqd. parking spaces on Lots 8 & 12 and Lots 15-18 by way of two driveways located on Lots 7 & 17, where direct access from a dedicated street is required located at the intersection of Rio San Diego Drive & River Run Drive, Zone R-1000 with conds. C-19507 4/10/87------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 7- ZA APPROVED request of RIVER RUN CLUB to use residentially zoned property for a parking lot where such use is permitted by CUP only located at the intersection of Rio San Diego Drive & River Run Drive, Zone R-1000 with conds. C-19481 4/10/87-----------------------------------------------------------------Lot 14-16 Par 2, P,M, 14577(formerly Lot 13)- ZA has APPROVED for RIVER RUN CLUB LIMITED- to install eight lighs each around four tennis courts, where such installation is permitted by CUP only, at 100,1 Rio San Diego Dr. Map 10312,CN and Rl-1000 zone,FW, FPF, w/cond. C-19797 12/18/87