Dotty's C.M Subd. Card 1
DOTTY'S C.M SUBD. CARD 1.tif DCY'T'Y '.S CM 001qn-oo.s.t3-l6,;s- CARD #1 C. M. OOTY'S ADDITION oo ' q ,\,&o.. S Lot 7- s- Erect a second sing fam res in Zone R-1- Granted to Gilbert E. Love, 494o Lamont St. Res. 69022 3-14-39 Lot 9- W 50 1- Erect res in R-1, setback 12' Mrs. Dorothy I. Knight. on Emelene St. Res. 69655 Res. 69790 (50' x 100') Granted to 1-18-39 8-15-39 Renews Lot 12- Conditional Permit to Alexander Murray to alter portion of exist garage at 1802 4o 5e 4 Beryl St. into a bedroom. Res. No. 2 (J;fre'e 1n 11 2-25- 3 N Lot 5- Permit to Louis C. Burgener to const one sing fam res with attach garage, west side of Lamont St between Beryl & Malden St. Res. No. 1647 7-18-46 N 50' of E 100' of Lot 7- Permit to Edward G. Wood to build sing fam res on west side of Lamont St at Wilbur St Res. No. 2014 1-30-47 E 130' of Lot 3- Permit to Stanley H. & Cosette H. Sessions to divide into 2 bldg. sites to permit one sing fam res on each, neither lot to be less than 6o 1 in width fronting on Malden St at Lamont; min of 15' setback to be observed on both streets. Res. No. 2072 2-27-47 Lot 12- Extension of one year granted to Mrs. Dwight S. Mills on Res. No. 240 above, to be for Mrs. Mills only. Res. No. 2370 7-16-47 Lot 10 (Exe. No. 65 1)- Permit to Owen A. & Gertrude E. Murray & Lorenc. & Arden M. Wilson to split above parcel of land into 3 parcels and pennit a sing fam res on each. Res. No. 2517 9-24-47