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Druckers Subd. Block 7

DRUCKERS SUBD. BLOCK 7.tif DRUCKER'$ SUBDIVISION BLOCK 7 Lot 12 Permit to Harry A. Essie c. Jordan to const garage on now vacant lot, to be used in connection With res on Lot 7, Blk 1, Drucker's Subdiv, st address of Lot 12__________ be1oe;_JHoniie_2et~_Jy~1t~r_i_i~~ie_c2n!ll,_________ ae_37~5---------~=~3=~2---- Lot 21 Permit DENIED to J.B. Quinci to const duplex w/11'3" SB on Jupiter St, R-4_________________________________________________________________ case_863________ 11-19-56____ Lot 22 Permit DENIED to J.B. Quinci to const duplex w/11'3" SB on Jupiter St, R-4-----------------------------------------------------------------C~1e B94~-------ll-1256____ Lot 23 Permit DENIED to J. B. Quinci to const duplex w/11'3" SB on Jupiter St, R-4 Ca.lie 865 11-19-56--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 21, 22 & 23 Permit to J.B. Quinci to const duplex w/7 rear yd on Jupiter St. cases 893, 894, 895 11-19-56---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------