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Development Services

E. P Subd. (Formerly Blk 97 City Heights)

E. P SUBD. (FORMERLY BLK 97 CITY HEIGHTS).tif OOifif/1.... <&it. ~ " / D- . I' 1....., a E. P. SUBDIV'ISICII (t'ormerb Bllc. 97. Citz Heights).=;)"f".,,,.. a-.), ~ Lot 1- Permit to E. P. Custom Builders, Inc. to cODSt 14-unit, 2-story apt bldg with (C-6803) req 121 access court covered with a root' & obstructed by four pilasters (where 12' access court is req to be clear & unobstructed to the sk;r); with 52% coverage (where 50% is perm); & with. (c-684 7) the req 14 parking spaces, but with three of those parking spaces 4' from front p.l. (where no parking is permitted in the req 15' front;yard) on vest side ot' Marlborough Ave., 2001 So ot Dwight St., Zone R-J. Cues No. 6803 & 6847 12-16-61+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------