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East Clairemont #16

EAST CLAIREMONT #16.tif,,,------ EAST CLAIIIEMOftfl6'0. S-~38-17-1/........ '--::111 ' 'i,./tf/,/()--_ Lot 1385- Asst Z.A. baa couia red tb.8 reque1t ot Prank & Rutn Pllillipa to conatr a 17' x 23' liv roam acl4n to sin tam awell; aadn to oba 13' rear yar4 wllere 20' 1a req; at 4924 Mt. Casas Dr between Mt. Culebra Ave an4 Mt. Everest Blv4. Zone R-1-5, am'l taaa ""DElt......,lED"""" tile requeate4 13' rear yari, but APPROVED a 16' rear yar4. c-uo84 3-11-12------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1377- Permit to Robert &Wanda Dickerson to erect 6o 1 of 61 high solid block wall obs 7' SB on Balboa Ave where 10' is estab, at 4883 Mt. casas betw Mt. Casas ct and Mt. Culebra Ave, Zone R-1-5. c-12033 N.H. 6-8-73-i~-t-139c,---d~-;,i~d--r~~~~~-t-""i:~-;~i-;,t~-;,-,a,x-'i.-s-eit~~d--F~;-R;-~ddi-ti~-;,--t~-~~i-;1:i-;,~jsi:-rrPtr at 4862 Mt Casas for Bethany Rand Robert J GREENE observing a 4 1/2' rear yard where ~'.:!-.:1-_~~~-~~~~~..._~~~~~~-~~~Y.~~-~~=~=-~~:-~:-~~~~~~~-~=~~::~--~~=~~=~~- Lot 1386- Permit to Lewis C. and Corinne D. Engbrenghof was DENIED as submitted but APPROVED as amended to construct approximately 10' x 44 1 deck to observe 5' setback where 12' setback has been established, at 4910 Mt, Casas Drive, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-16848 7-25-80 Lot 1361, CUP denied by ZA, EDWARD DROBECK/JANETH MONTOYA & PATRICIA DORSEY request to allow the operation of a child care center at 4221 Mt. Casas Court Rl-5000 Zone C-21247 1-20-95---------------------------------------------------------------------------