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East Clairemont #17 Card 2

EAST CLAIREMONT #17 CARD 2.tif i--~ EAST CLAIREMONT UNIT NO. l.7 {)tJ./JJJ./-00 s:J.38-/ 7{)C/ CAHD#2 q, nl/,.S Lot l.532- 'lhe Z,A. a.hs considered the req of James C. & Grace c. Ed.wards to constr. a 2l.'3"xl.6' den ad.dn to exist sin f'am dwell; ad.dn to obs at cl.osest point a 1.3 1911 rear yrd and eave to obs l.l. 19" rear yrd where 20 1 is req, at 4274 Mt. Voss Dr, 'IJe:.bwn Mr. Forde and Mt. Hukee Aves, Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the req as submitted, but APPROVED for a. 161 rear yrd at the cl.osest point. C-l.l.,935 5-30-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Lot 1544- Permit to Robert and Roberta Mc Henry to construct a 13' x 41' bedroom, dining room and family room addition to existmng sin am dwell; addn to observe at closest point a 14'-7" rear yard where 20' is req, at 4386 Mt. Hukee Avenue between Mt. Laudo Drye and Mt. Voss Drive, Zone R-1-5- Cond' 1. ~, C-12,521 4-22-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1557- FLORENCE FRALEY sign AGREEMENT to constr, second story, rec. room, bedroom & bath with bar sink to exist. one-story, SFD at 4688 Mt. Laudo Dr., Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3274 3/28/85----------------------------~----------------------------------~-------------------------