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East Clairemont #17 Card 3

EAST CLAIREMONT #17 CARD 3.tif EAST CIJUREMONT tJm:T NO. ri 004114-lO ~. J.3C/-l1oC/. rtt, ~3~ Lot 1601- The Zoning Administra'floJ"lha~considered the request of Foy and Betty Brown to construct 15 ft. x 24 ft. famizy room addition to single famizy residence observing at closest point:al5'-6" rear yard where 20 ft. rear yard is requued, at 4322 Mt. Putman Avenue betveen Mt. Horton and Mt. Laudo Drives, Zone R-1-5 and has made the following decision: DEm:ED as submitted, but APPROVED 14 ft. x 24 ft. famizy room addition obxerving at closest point a 16 1-6 11 rear yard; Cond'l. C-12,777 9-9-74 Lot 1541-- tc::Permlt to Woodrow W. & Clara P. Wright to construct 520 sq. ft. kitchen &-- dining-room extension & sewlng-roonr-addltfon to exfstlng single family dwelling; addition to obs. 16' rear yd where 20 1 rear yd setback Is requfred, at 4368 Mt. Hukee Ave. between Mt. Laudo Dr. & Mt. Voss Dr. Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. C-12874 N.H. 10-17-74 Lot-i525-:-ihe-z:i:-~~n,;1dei;ea-tbe-;~~e;i-~t-ilirea-i:-i-v~-~;-i~-~~~i;-i5i:6~-;-43i- famizy room and bedroom addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs an ll'-ll" rear yard where 20' is req, at 4210 Mt. Voss Dr betw Mt. Forde and Mt. Kukee Avenues, Zone R-1-5 and has DEN.IED the request as submitted but APPROVED a 15' rear yard, C-12883 ll-22-74 Lot 1517- Permit to E. M & Doris Jones to const 2nd story bedrm & bath addn above exist gar with bar sin~, 4225 Mt. Vo~s Dr., Zone R-1-5 AGREE# 2150 4-29-76