East Clairemont #18 Card 1
EAST CLAIREMONT #18 CARD 1.tif EAST CLilREMONT UNIT #18 OC,L.\;'/.3':,-00 S ~8-\111-- CARD/It 1eS 4'2.55.9 ~) Lot 1714- Permit to Charles & Conata.nee Luckey- To constr 6 hi redwood fence observ 9l 1 setback from Mt. Culebra Ave & 6 1 hi across rear on top of exist 51 hi ba.nk at 49()4 Mt. Durban Drive NE corner of Mt. Culebra AveJ zone R-1. Case 4320 (N.H.) 8-4-61-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1692- Permit to Edwin E & Barbara J Tevis to constr fam rm & dining rm addn to exist single fem res; addns to encroach l' into req 20' rear yd; 4338 Mt. Davis Ave, betw Mt. Foster Ave & Mt. Elbrus Dr; Zone R-1-5; Condl... Case No. 7572 (N.H.) 2-7-66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1678- DENIED iumm req 14' rear yd but.APPROVED 16' rear yd to James S & Marcella S Mason who asked to constr 18 1 x 31' fam rm add to exist sgl.e f'am res, add to obs 14' rear yd where 20' is req, at 4214 Mt. Davis Ave. betw Mt. Foster & Mt. Culebra Aves., Zone R-1-5, case No. 8527 2-1-68----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1699- Application of Donovan & Ellen Leistico TABLED to constr 2 bedrooms & batlt &adn to exist sin fam res. Addn to obs all yds but result in approx 44i cover where 4~ is permitted at 4286 Mt, Davis Ave., betw Mt. Foster Ave. & Mt. Elbrus Dr., Zone R-1-5, C-9668 B,B. 1-23-70 Lot 1164- Tlte Z.A. nas considered tile req of Max E. & Estella M, Lemasters for perm to constr an 18' x 28':l'am room eddn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 15'-3" rear yard where 20' is req at 4345 Mt. Elbrus Court betw Mt Elbrus Dr and end of cul=de-sac, in toe R-1-5 zone, and has DENIED the req as submitted but.APPROVED addn to obs a 16' rear yd. c-11105 3-30-72