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East Clairemont #2 Card 2

EAST CLAIREMONT #2 CARD 2.tif EAST CLAiroMONT UNIT #2 oo~e:,1e S?, <,.lS ~ Z 3b-1 7 I J JD ~d#2 Lot 222- Permit to Clark R. Miller~ David E. Albrecht to maintain 6 1 hi redwood fence__ observ_2'_SB_from_Balboa_Ave,_4892_Mt_Bi~elow_Drt_R-ll_(N.H,l____ case_4177____ 6-19-61_______ Lot 250- Permit to Keith & Barbara Driscoll, OWner, & Medallion Homes, Inc, Lessee, to to erect sign 15 sq ft, free-standing sing-faced directional advertis new subdiv, back of SB, for 1 yr to expire 7-24-62, 419() Mt Everest Blvd, R-1. (Denied req 10' x 6 1 x 12' hi__ signl_N~.Cae_42Q5___________________ 7-~4-61____________________________________________ Lot 251- Permit to Fred & Helen Koch, OWners, & Medallion Homes, Inc., Lessee, to erect 6 1 x 10' x 12' hi free-stand sing-faced directional sign advertis new subdiv, for l yr to expire 7-24-62, 4191 Mt Everest Blvd, R-1, Condl. N.H. Case #4266 7-24-61--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 250- Permit to Keith & Barbara Driscoll, Owners, & J. R. Wiesehan Const Co., Lessee, to erect and maintain for a period not to exceed 1 yr, one dble-faced, post mounted, unlighted 10' x 6 1 directional sign, to observ 8 1 SB from Balboa Ave where 10' SB is req & sign max of 8 sq ft is perm, at 4190 Mt Everest Blvd, Zone R-1. DENIED 10' x 6 1 sign,__ gyt_~~Qffi_a_3:_~_5:_1@______________________ Qa~_i5!!3_____________ e:~~=2~------------ Lot 250- Permit to Keith & Barbara Driscoll, OWners, & J. R. Wiesehan Const Co, Lessee, to erect & maintain for a period not to exceed 1 yr, 1 dble-faced, post-mounted, unlighted 10' x 6 1 directional sign advertis, sign to observ 8 1 SB from Balboa Ave where 10' SB is req & sign max of 8 sq ft is penn, at,4190 Mt Everest Blvd, Zone R-1. APPROVED 3' x 5'__ sign.___________________________________________________ Qase ~5112_________ 8-~4-62_________