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East Clairemont #22 Card 1

EAST CLAIREMONT #22 CARD 1.tif EAST CLAIREMONT #22_ Q64'J.9g-,do s ~3q- l1 II Card ll-l, /!lo Lot 1885- Permit to Ke~l4 A.~ Margie L. Sharpe to erect 61 hi redwood fence ~n top of exist bank ranging in ht from 44" to 66", overall ht of fence & bank ranging from 9 18" to 11 1 6"; fence to observe 1' setback on Mt. Ararat Dr, (10' estab)J Zone R-1; DENY 61 hi, APPROVE 5' hiJ Condl. Case No. 5963 9-20-63---------- I Lot 826- AGHEEMEN't {J,1059 to Boward Brogan to convert existing garage to den with bar sillk I l.aund17 room, and bath 10-1-59 Lot 1872- Permit to Arthur & Inez Antczak to const a. 16 1 x 19 16" fam rm addn to exist sin fem dwell, addn to obs 17' rear yd where 20' is req at 3921 Mt. Everest Blvd. betw Mt. Blanca & Mt. Ararat Drives, Zone R-1-5. 7-1-70-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1849- Asst Z.A llas considered the request of Walter and Donna Cebula for permission to (1) maintain approx 18 1 of concrete block wall ranging in height from 4 1 to 61 obs a 6" Sb on Mt. Everest Blvd, where a max 3' wall is perm in a. 12' est SB and (2) constr a 10' x 24' greenhouse addn on lot with exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 2' sb on Mt. Everest Blvd where 12' is estab.; at 5045 Mt. Astimun Dr betw Mt. Blackburn Ave and Mt. Everest Blvd. Zone R-1-5 and tla.s APPROVED (1) and DENIED (2). c-10383 4-8-71 ~ot 1952- Permit to Wm & Nancy Pickett to const 18 1 x 25'1' famrm addn to exist sin fam dti~fli, addn to obs 18' rearyd where20' req.,,497,Q-..Mt. Asbmun, Zone R-1-5, WAS DENIED. BZA upheld dee; Z.A~ 8-3-73 C-12024 6-12-73 CC APPEAL granted.- 9-1 l-73