East Clairemont #3 Card 1
EAST CLAIREMONT #3 CARD 1.tif EAST CLAiruMONT NO, 3 Dei") ~.32.. '=,5 Z..1/-0- /71 (8 Card #1 Lots 341 thru 346, E,Cl.#3- Conell permit0::~rairemont1 Vista to maintain sing~ Lot 414, E.Cl.#4 on Lots 342 thru 346, E. Cl. #3 (R-1) as model homes; res on Lot 342 also to be used as sales office with 4 x 8 sign; & with 2' x 2' ID sign on each model; also to maintain 16' x 8 1 sign for Normandy Estates on Lot 341, E. Cl. #3 (RC-lA); & to maintain 4 1 x 10' direc. sign on Lot 414, E. Cl. #4, (R-1); for 1 yr., cor. Genesee & Mt. Herbert. Case #1779 4-11-58--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 357, 358, 359, E,Cl.#3;- Conell permit to Clairemont Vista to const sing fam res on Lot 4oo, E. Cl. #4 ea of Lots 357, 358, & 359, E. Cl. #3, & use as model homes; res on Lot 357 also to be used as sales office; with 2' x 2' ID sign on each res, & 4 x 8' sign on Lot 357; also to maintain exist 16 1 x 8 free-standing, 2-faced, sign advertis "Glen Oaks" on Lot 400, E. Cl. #4 (R-1),___ on_Mt._Harris jf tfiJocor_of_Genessee_Ave_&_Mt._Foraker_Ave.____ Case ~178o____ 4-ll-$8____ Lot 356- Permit,'t!:fofl:'J E. & Anna Beverly to erect approx 150 1 of 61 high grape stake fence encro 12' into estab 121 Sb on.11,t. Harris Dr. & 1,;t. Foraker Ave. where a J I high fence is perm at 4886 Mt. Harris Dr., NE cor Mt.!iarris Dr. & Mt. Foraker Ave., Zone R-1-5. Case 1-io. 8092 N.H. 4-4-67-----------------------------------------------------------------Lot 356:- Amendment to Case No. 8o92 above, John E. and Anna Beverly, to permit erection of 3' hi fence w/gate columns a max 4 1 611 hi as shown on revised plan, dated 6-8-67. case No. 8o92 7-13-67---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------