East Clairemont #3 Card 2
EAST CLAIREMONT #3 CARD 2.tif ',,,,,,.,,-, '.. ~ EAST CLAIBEMONT NO: J 003"~z_ S 7....40-17 I I ~:;,;, s Lot- 349 Permit to O. B. & Iris Kelly to maintain exist 6 1 hi wood fence on prop line where max 3 1 high fence is perm in 10 1 estab setback on Genesee Ave at 4788 Mt. Harris Dr. betw Mt. Herbert & Mt. Fowker Aves Zone R-1-5. C-10977 N.H. 12-15-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 391- Permit DENIED to Patrick R. & Mary E. Scott to enclose uist 12' x 24' patio obs 8' rear yd where 20' rear yd is req at 48ol Mt. Harris Br betw Foraker and Mt. Herbert Avenues. Zone R-1-5. C-10985 1-14-72 Lot 342- Permit DENIED to Donald w. Berkey to erect apporx 180' of 6 1 high solid wood fence obs 9' SB on Mt. Herbert Ave, & Genesee Ave. where max 3 1 high is perm in estab 10' SB at 4702 Mt. Harris Dr betw Mt. Herbert Ave. & Mt. Foraker Ave., Zone R-1-5, but APPROVED 6 1 fence to obs 5' SB from rear of house to Genesee Ave. C-10885 N.H. 11-8-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 345- Permit to Tom and Laura HundleJ to constr. 111 x 20 1 patio for exist. si~. fam. dewll; patio obs. 2 1 interior side yard, and eaves, 1'9" side yard where 41 is req. At 4J38 Mt. Harris, betwn. Mt. Herbert and Mt. Foraker, Zone R-1-5 (Cond'l) c-11838 3-26-73