East Clairemont #4 Card 1
EAST CLAIREMONT #4 CARD 1.tif EAST CLAIIDMONT NO, 4 0 0 2> 67:, S Z 4[)- i 7 / / Card No. 1 3'-'1.5 S>--,,,-.- Lot 447- Permit to Clairemont Vista to const res lo gar with eave proj 2' into the req 5' side yd at NE cor Mt. La Platta Pl lo Mt. La Platte. Dr R-1. Case #1608 1-22-58------------L----------------------------------------------L------------------------------- Lot 438- Permit to Clairemont Vista to const res lo gar with eave proj 2' into req 5'__ side_idi_at_NW_cor_Mt._La_Platta_Pl._lc_Mr._La_Platta_Dr.L_R-l.____ Case_No._16o9__ 1-22-58_ Lot 470- Permit to Clairemont Vista Partnership, Owner, lo Del E. Webb Const Co, Lessee,__ to_erect_3'_x_5 1_direct._si~n_for_l_yrL_Genesee_Ave._______ Case_No._1695_____ 2-28-58_____ Lot 424- Permit to Clairemont Vista, Owner, lo Del E. Webb Const Co, Lessee, to erect 3' x 5' direct sign for 1 yr, on Genesee, R-1 Case No. 1696 2-28-58------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 414, E. Cl.#4; Lot 341 thru 346 E.Cl. #3- Condl permit to Clairemont Vista to maintain sing fam res on Lots 342 thru 346, E. Cl. #3, (R-1) as model homes; res on Lot 342 also to be used as sales office with 4 x 8 1 sign; lo with 2' x 2' ID sign on each model; also to maintain 16 1 x 8 1 sign for Normandy Estates on Lot 341, E. Cl. #3 (RC-lA); lo to maintain 41 x 10' direct sign on-------------------- Lot 414, E. Cl. #4, (R-1); for 1 yr. Case #1779 4-11-58------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 357, 358, 359, E. Cl. #3i- Condl permit to Clairemont Vista to const sing fam res or. Lot 400, E. Cl. #4. each of Lots 357, 358, & 359, E. Cl. #3, & use as model homes; res on Lot 357 also to be used as sales office; with 2 1 x 2' ID sign on ea res,~ 4 x 8 sign on Lot 357; also to maintain exist 16 1 x 8 1 free-standing, 2-faced, sign advertis "Glen Oaks" on Lot 400, E. Cl. #4 (R-1), on Mt. Harris Dr~ Nly corn of Genesee Ave & Mt Foraker Ave Case #1780 4-11-58