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Development Services

East Clairemont #4 Card 2

EAST CLAIREMONT #4 CARD 2.tif EAS'l' CLAIRJ!MONT No. 4 Lots 439 & 44o- Permit to Melvin A. & Verna E. Bell to adjust lot lines betw Lots 439 & 440, at 4570 Mt. La Platta Pl, Zone R-1; Condl. Case No. 5748 5-29-63------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 543- Permit to James P, & Sophie Lewis to erect approx 12' of 6 hi solid masonry fence observing 10' setback fran Mt. Palma Dr. where a max 3' hi fence is perm in estab 12' setback, at 4650 Mt. Longs Dr, SE corner Mt, Longs Dr & Mt. Palma Dr, Zone R-1-5; Condl, Caae No. 6807 10-28-64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 476- Permit to Earl F, & Rosemary Gray to maintain exist 5' hi fence encroach 10' into estab 10' setback on Genessee Ave, where max 3' hi fence is perm, at 4525 Mt, La Platta Ct., Sly end of Cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5, Case No. 7485 ll-5-65------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 403- Permit to Dr, Robert w. & Geraldine B. Straumfjord to erect approx 70' of 6 1 hi solid fence encroach 9' into estab 10' setback where a 3' hi fence is perm, at 4867 Mt. Longs Dr., betw Mt. Foraker Ave & Mt. Herbert Ave, Zone R-1-5;____________ Qg9g&__________________________________________ c1~.l2_eu2_(laB.l.. ~:a6:21__ Lot 521- Permit to Arthur A. & Vera M, Kowalski to const fam rm a.ddn to rear of exist dwell; addn to observe 16 1 rear yd where 20' is req, at 4812 Mt. La Palmas Dr, Zone R-1-5; Condl. Case No. 8143 (N.H.) 5-17-67