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Development Services

East Clairemont #7 Card 2

EAST CLAIREMONT #7 CARD 2.tif oe> 4-oo~ 'I/IJ} $ Lot 982- Permit to Marvin R. & Toyeing Y. farrell to to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 15' rear yd where Dr., easterly of Mt. Almagosa Pl., Zone R-1-5, condl 2 34-~ i7i/ Card '2:iae const 18 1 x 10 1 dining area addn 20' is req at 4783 Mt. Almagosa 5-13-70------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 1003- Permit to Gerald & Sharon La Pierre to main exist patio attached to single fam dwel I resulting in 42.4% coverage where 40! is perm, at 5011 Mt. Ararat Dr, R-1-5. C-13746 7-6-76---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----~----- Lot 905- Permit to John & Nancy Reindel to constr a 2 bedrm & rec rm addn to exist s,n- fam dwell; addn to obs a 51 rear yd at the closest point where 20' is req, at 4060 Mt. Brundage Ave, Zone R-1-5. COND'L C-13,679 6-28-76-------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot I 001- Permit Frederick W. & Genevieve G. Peters to cons tr a 10'- 611 x 20" fam rm addn to exist sin-fam dwell, to obs a 14' rear yd where 20' is req., at 4995 Mt. Ararat Zone R-1-5. C-13,759 7-29-76 Lot 849- Permit to Hugh & Donna Whitmore to const a 16'x20' rec rm addn to a sfd; addn to obs a 12' rear yd at 4033 Mt. Blackburn Avenue. Zone R-1-5. C-14857. 1-17-78. Lot 843- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Edwin & Lorraine Tucker to construct a 12 1 X 20 1 611 recreation room addition; addition to observe a 12' rear yard where 20' is required, at 3983 Mt. Blackburn Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Condition. CASE 16518 1-11-80