Eastern Addn. Block 37
EASTERN ADDN. BLOCK 37.tif EAS'.rERH ADDI'rl011 BLOCK 37 Lot l Penrl t DENIED to 110ve in bldg and make add to the res at 33rd and Hawthorn---~!_!!~~-~~l_!_!g_~-~~~-l~--=--!~~l-~:-~~g~~-----------~~!_!~2------~:!2:~g---------~- Lot 2 St Permit to Henry Moller to relocate rrame stucco bld& on same lot at 2111- 33rd BM Res 1152 7-3-51--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Z.A. APPROVED req of Frank W. Dailey to erect 58' of retaining wall ranging in height from O' to 6 1 obs a 0 1 front and st side yard where max 3' wall is permitted in req JO ft. st side yard and 15 ft front yard, at 3314 Hawthorn St, betw 33rd St and Felton St. Zone R-1-5._____ C:1!5Z8__!0:5:72__ Lot 5- Permit to Dale & Cindy Duhamel to main approx 164.75 sq. ft. of deck & stairs 2' to 6 1 high obs O' int sideyd where 4' req, 2141- 33rd St, Zone R-1-5, cond' 1 C-13371 11-21-75