Eastern Addn. Block 40 Card 1
EASTERN ADDN. BLOCK 40 CARD 1.tif,..,,... EASTERN ADDITION BLOCK 40 Lot 3 Permit to E. E. Klein to construct 14' x 18 1 addition to exist residence at 2421-33rd St. & maintain an 18 r.y. for add; to be used as a playroom with bedroom.____________________________________________________________ Res._18o6________ 10-l0-46________ Lot 3 Permit granted to E. E, Klein to const. 14' x 18' addition to the rear of res___ at_2421-33rd_Sti_ma.intainin~_18_ft._rear_yard.___________ Res_2307__________ 6-5-47_________ Lots 8,9 and 4- Pennit to Charles M. & Jenne Hill to maintain exist 18' x 35' guest room and storage area addn to sin fem dwell; exist addn obs O' int side yard where 4' side yard is req, at 2427-33rd St. betw Kalmia St. and Laurel St. Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. c-12887 12-2-74-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 4, 8 & 9- Permit to Charles M, & Jenne L, Hill to maintain exist 18' x 35' guest room and storage area addn to sin fem dwell; exist addn obs O' int side yard where 4' side yard is required at 2427- 33rd St. betw Kalmia St. and Laurel st. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #2068 6-25-75 Lots 4, 8 and 9- Permit was APPROVED by ZA to CHARLES M. AND JENNE L. HILL to construct (1) approximately 130' of 6 1 high chain 1 ink fence observing O' front yard on Felton Street (an unimproved street) where a 3 1 high fence is permitted; and (2) a 20' X 20', two-level accessory structure observing all yard requirements on Lot 8 where an accessory structure must be on a parcel with a permitted principal use, at 2427 33rd Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17933 NH 2-22-83