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Eastern Addn. Block 41 Card 2

EASTERN ADDN. BLOCK 41 CARD 2.tif EASTERN ADDITION BLOCK 41 ~ard #284 Lot 7, Fence Variance was approved by SCA, PATRICK & VALERIE O'BRIEN sought to construct 1) a combination retaining wall/fence measuring 12'11" in height observing a O' front yard on Maple Street where a maxi-] mum 9' wall/fence are permitted, subject to the design criteria; 2) a combination retaining wall/fence measuring 13'11" in height observing a O' street side yard where a maximum 9' is permitted subject to design criteria; and 3) to maintain, currently in violation, a 7'6" masonry fence observing a O' front yard on Felton street where a maximum 9' combination retaining wall and solid fence are permitted subject to design criteria at 2550 Felton Street, Rl-5000 Zone C-21464 8/97 The above Fence Variance was partially approved by HO, the GREATER NORTH PARK COMMUNITY PLANNING COMMITTEE appealed the SCA's decision to approve the above fence variance. C-21464 8-13-97