El Cerrito #1 Heights Block 1 Card 2
EL CERRITO #1 HEIGHTS BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif----~-~......,_r----------- EL CERRITO HEIGm'S #1. Od-010 S Jl~-1747 BLOCK 1 Card No. 2 Ely 100' of Lot 24- 6 mo ext granted to John B & Elaine M Stodelle to constr single fam res on Wly side Ashby St betw Adams & Madison; Condl. Res. No. 9274 11-9-55--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 19 & s of 20 and N 1/2 o: 20 and all of '-1- AGRE:2;1'.ZNT.. r50J to Charles E. Peterson and Ethel z. Peterson to const sin fam dwelling on each of these l lots 11/19/4?------------------------------------------------------ /tot 3- PERMIT to Aaron H. & Manon Kolkey to maintain redwd archway, varying in ht from 5' to 71 6" & observ approx 3811 sideyd where 41 sideyd is req; on Lot 3and Por Lots 24 & 25, at 4677 El Cerrito Dr, betw Adams & Madison Ave, Zone R-1-5, Case No. 8757 (N.H.) 7-8-68 Lot 22- Permit to Ricnard E. & Rita Herttua to constr detached gar addn to sin fam dwell on lot, addn to obs 0' front yd wnere 15' is req at 4654 Ashby St betw Adams & Madison ~~~=t=~~~~:.i~~~:;~~;.L:i:J.,_~.k,~~~-'2~~~-ti-..7.LJ._~(.1:-~~2~--17A:.Sft.) Por Lot 2:5- Permit to,Jerry R. & Joar: Corbin to oonst. sin fam dwell w/gar obs at close pt. 0'. setback where 20' is estab, Map 1940, at 4670 Ashby St. bet Ada.'11S Ave. & Madison Ave., Zone R-1-5 c-1O748 10-29-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 22- Permit to Ricnard E. & Rita Herttua to add bar sink to family room addn to sin fam dwell at 4654 Asnby. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1810 11-16-72--------------------------------------------------------------------------------