El Cerrito #1 Heights Block 2
EL CERRITO #1 HEIGHTS BLOCK 2.tif EL CERRITO HEIGHTS #1 Lots 7-8 except the E-100' 4764 Kansas St. BLOCK 2- Zone variance to allow Res in R-1 DENIED to Sigfrid Crosby, Res. 69211 4-25-39 Zone variance DENIED, Res. 70203 10-31-39 Lot 8, E-100'- Petition of M. C. Morgan for variance to restrictions of Ord. 13557 to allow a single fam res on E-100' of Lot 8.- DENIED. Res. 75289 10-7-41--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3- Permit to Minzel S. Curr to constr concrete retain wall 8 1 hi along 70' of S. property line, 4670 Alice St. Res. No. 6457 5-14-52--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Z.A. considered the request of Thomas A. Graciano to constr sin fam dwell to obs at closest point O' front yard where 15' is req- at 4693 Ashby st., SE cor of Adams Ave. and Ashby St., Zone R-1-5, and has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED dwell to obs 10' front yard. Cond 'l. Appealed to BZA- Appeal GRANTED-6-20-74 C 12494 3-28-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------