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Development Services

El Cerrito Heights #1 Block 7 Card 1

EL CERRITO HEIGHTS #1 BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif EL CERRITO HEIGH'l'S BLOCK 7 CARD #1 Lot 14- Ye Old Golden Lion, Inc. DENIED to use all of Lot 14 for parking lot in conjunction w/adj restaurant in "c" Zone at 59th St betw El Cajon Blvd &_ tJ Madison Ave, Zone R-4; APPROVED Sly Lot 14; Conell. ~ T-'-1-1!, Case No. 2751 8-21-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 14- Permit to Ye Golden Lion, Inc. to use lot 14 as parking lot in conjunction w/adj restaurant in Zone "c", on 59th St betw El Cajon & Madison, Zone R-4; Conell. Case No. 3421 6-24-6o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 6- Permit to Terry W. Wilt at 4541 Al ice St., Zone R-1-5 denied to maintain a garage conversion to 1 lving area, converted garage obs 0 1 side yard and 18 1 611 rear yard, and garage is to be restored for use as auto pkg and driveway cleared. C-16O19 6/19/79 Lot 7 (Portion of)- Permit DENIED by ZA to FORTUNA PROPERTIES INCORPORATION to develop portion of Lot 7 for use as a parking lot to serve existing commercial building and four= unit apartment building located immediately adjacent to the south in the "C" Zone-, at 4525 Alice Street, Zone R-3. BZA- APPEAL APPROVED with conditions. AMENDED 1-6-84 CUP 17525 3-5-82 ZA overru I ed. June IO, 1982.