El Cerrito Heights #1 Block 8
EL CERRITO HEIGHTS #1 BLOCK 8.tif EL CERRITO HEIGHTS Jr: BLOCK 8 Lot 24- Conell. Permit to Eleanor & Baylor Brooks to add hobby rm attached to an exist garage at 4576 Alice St w/1.8" rear yd, no side yd to the exist garage & 21, excess coverage. Res. No. 1017 7-6-45 Lot 1.2- (That por lying Nly & Wl.y of a line beginning on Nly line sd Lot 45 ft. Ely from NW corner thereof- thence SWly at r/a to sd Nly line 26 1- thence SWly parallel Nly line sd lot to int w/Wly line thereof in Lot 12- DENIED permit to Thomas S. and Florence E. Slack to convert por of exist bldg into living quarters w/3 rear yd & 61, excess coverage at 4511- 58th St. Res. No. 1215 12-6-45------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 24- E. & B. Brooks to add a 15 1 x 27 1 hobby rm, attached to an existing gar 1R 1 x 20 1 on the above described property with an 18" rear yd, no sideyd to the exiscing gar and 2% e excess coverage:'lnd hwe applied for a zo:m '':\RI'UiCE by Application No. 2903 dated June lSl, 1945. AGREEMENT #J66m July 9, l945