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El Cerrito Terrace #1 Card 1

EL CERRITO TERRACE #1 CARD 1.tif EL CERRITO TERRACE UNIT NO, 1 CARD #1. Lots 27, 28 & 29- Permit to Wm. c. & Marjory Black to constr medical clinic bldg w/10' setback,. NE corner Estelle & College Ave. Res. No. 5902 10-3-51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 6, 7 (Exe E 35')- 1 single f8Jll res- Leona G. Burns S-26 2-18-52 E 35' Lot 7 & W 25' Lot 8- 1 single faro res- John c. & Marie Krabill S-27 2-18-52 Lot 9 & E 30' Lot 8- 1 single f8Jll res- Wm. C, Black, M. D. S-28 2-18-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 29, 30 & 31- Permit to Dr, W. C. Black to excavate approx 2500 cu yd of soil to be removed from property, lots adj on Nat 4529 College Ave; Condl. Res. No. 7992 1-15-54 Lots 27, 28, 29 & 30- Permit to Wm. c. & Marjory Black to constr addn to medical offices; addn to observe 7' rear yd; at NE corner Estelle & College Ave,__________________________________________________________ Res._No._9188_______ 9-28-55_____ Lots 27, 28, 29 (& 30 & 31 of Unit #2)- Permit to Dr. Wm. c. Black to constr addn to medical office bldg; addn to observe 7' rear yd; NE corner Estelle & College Ave. (Res. 9188 not used) Case No. 912 12-14-56------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 27, 28, 29 of #1, & 30, 31 of Unit #2- Permit to Dr, W. C. Black to constr & operate 3-suite medical addn to exist medical bldg, making 9 offices on 5 lots, & permit auxilliary medico-dental services; SE corner College Ave & Acorn St; Zone R-4; Condl. C.U.P. Case No. 3366 7-6-6o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 27, 28, 29 & #2- Lots 30 & 31- To constr above medical bldg which has 5' rear yd; addn to observe approx 7' rear yd & 7,5' setback on Acorn St (10' req); 4529 College Ave.; Zone R-4. Cases 3367 & 3367-A 7-8-6o