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El Cerrito Terrace #2 Card 1

EL CERRITO TERRACE #2 CARD 1.tif EL CERRITO TERRACE NO. 2 Card No. 1 L~ts 43 & 44- Permit to Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co, to constr telephone bldg w/7'9,2" setback for corner of bldg at College Ave & Acorn St; NE corner Acorn & College Ave.----------------------------------------------------------ij~s&_glt8___________ l-~3-52_______ Lot 4o- Permit to A.H. Nelson to constr triplex & duplex w/4 rear yd; 5156 Acorn St;_____ Zone_R-4.____________________________________________ Res._No._7234_______ 3-11-53_______ Lots 27, 28, 29 & 30- Permit to Wm. c. & Marjory J. Black to constr addn to medical offices; to observe 7' rear yd; NE corner Estelle & College Ave. 1 Res. No. 9188 9-28-55------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 42- Permit DENIED to Raymond A. Preston to erect 4-unit apt, making 8 units & 5 garages on property, covering property 55% (50% perm); Acorn St betw College &_____ 62nd;_Zone_R-4.______________________________________ Case_No._594________ 7-16-56______ Lot 42- Case #594 ABOVE to Raymond A. Preston AMENDED & permit granted to erect 4-unit apt covering the lot 55%; Condl; Acorn betw College & 62nd.---------------------------------------------------.______ Case_594-A__________ 8-1-56________ Lots 30 & 31 (& 27, 28 & 29 of Unit No. 1)- Oermit to Dr. Wm. C, Black to constr addn to exist medical office bldg; to observe 7' rear yd, on College Ave betw Acorn & Estelle; Zone R-4. Case No. 914 12-14-56 Lots 30 & 31 (& 27, 28, 29 of Unit #1)- Permit to Dr. W. c. Black to constr & operate 3-suite mEtdical addn to exist medical bldg; making 9 offices on 5 lot~s, & permit aux. medico-dental services SE corner College Ave & Acorn St; Zone R-4; Condl. C. U.P. Case No. 3366 7-6-6o--------------------------------------------------------------.-----------------------------