El Dorado Hills #13 Card 1
EL DORADO HILLS #13 CARD 1.tif E~DORADO HILLS UNIT #13 CARD #1 Lot 301- Permit APPROVED by ZA to SHAPEL-LOMASANTAS PARTNERSHIP, owner; EAST SAN DIEGO CHRISTIAN CHURCH, purchaser, (1) to construct a 22,000 sq. ft., two-story church complex containing sanctuary, classrooms and related facilities and providing 123 parking spaces; (2) church building to include an architectural projection with a maximum height of 34' where 30' is the maximum height permitted; and (3) Hillside Review Permit for grading in the Hillside Review Overlay Zone, located at 200 1 east of Conina Dorada, south of Tierrasanta Boulevard, Zone R-1-5/HR. Conditions.. A <,;t-1/ 4' /(-.:ZcJ-?s CUP 17951 5-20-83 ~ G- r;_ o s