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Development Services

Eldorado Unit#4 Card 1

ELDORADO UNIT#4 CARD 1.tif ELDORAOO NO. 4 Por P.t. 1181 Card No. 1 Lot 219- Permit to Tyler Associates to erect & maintain for 1 yr, temp unlighted "V" sign, area of each face 8 x 24' to advertise ho:nes for sale, approx 450 No of "F" & "A" Sts betw "F" & Hwy 395, Zone R-1; sign not to be erect until final subdiv map recorded in County Recorder Off- sign permit for 1 yr from that date._____________________________________________________ (N.H.L__ Case_No._3671____ 11-28-60____ Lot 206- Permit to Tyler Associates to constr single fam dwell observ 18 1 rear yd (20' req_), 2117 Whinchat St., Zone R-1. (N.H.) Case No. 4542 11-2-61 Lot 203- Permit to above to constr single fam dwell observ 10' setback fro:n Teebird Lane (12' established setback), 2135 Whinchat St, Zone R-1. (N.H.) Case No. 4543 11-2-61 Lot 219- Permit above to constr single fam dwell observ 17' rear yd (20' req_), 2048 Goshawk St, W side of Cul-de-sac, Zone R-1. (N.H,) Case No. 4544 11-2-61 Lot 216- Permit above to constr single fam dwell observ 11 setback from Goshawk St (12' req_), NW corner Hornbill & Goshawk, 2008 Goshawk St., Zone R-1._______________________________________________________________ Case_No._4545___!!:~:!_____ Lot 219- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Akira Ono to maintain 13' x 25' patio w/direct access to dwell; patio observ 3' rear yd & dwell observ 17' rear yd where 20' is req_, at 2048 Goshawk St, 200' No of Hornbill Ave Zone R-1; Condl. Case No. 6o61 11-12-63----------------------------------------t-------------------------------------------------- Lot 218- Permit to Jennie G. McMillan to constr patio addn to rear of exist single ram res which observ 8 1 rear yd; patio to have access to dwell & observ 10' rear yd where 20' to 25' rear yd is req, at 2038 Goshawk St, Intersection Hornbill Ave, Zone R-1. Case No. 6362 3-20-64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------