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Development Services

Elsa Heights Subd8

ELSA HEIGHTS SUBD8.tif ELSA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION #I b CARD #1 Portion of.Lot 5- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JOSEPH & JUDITH MOURA0, owners, SAN DIEGO YOUTH FOR CHRIST, purchasers, to construct a church facility on a R-1-5 Zoned parcel where such uses are permitted by Conditional Use Permit only; (l) provide 74 off-street parking spaces where 74 parking spaces are required; (2) with a 40' high Campanile where a maximum height of 30 1 is permitted; and, (3) with vehicular access from lots adjacent where direct access to a street or alley is required, at6O4o Fenimore Way, Zone R-1-5/HR. Conditions. EXTENSION OF TIME EXPIRES 4-23-84 (7-22-83) CUP 17336 10-23-81 Por. of Lot 5- ZA APPROVED request of SAN DIEGO YOUTH FOR CHRIST to use property for (I) church related office, counsel I ing and recreational facilities; (2) access to the property will be provided through the properties to the south over a nonrevocable easement; (3) height of bldg to be 54' where maximum 30' height is permitted; (4) retaining walls walls will be max. of 18' high~w~r:.,::10' high is permitted at 6040 Fenimore Way, Zone R-1-5/HR, subj cond. ~ 7/,21/ JZ ' C-18421 8/3/84--------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------- #J,...-