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Development Services

Emerald Hills Estates Map 3597 Card 3

EMERALD HILLS ESTATES MAP 3597 CARD 3.tif EMERALD HILLS ESTATES~P 3597 Lot 160- DENIED req of William & Christine to sgle fam dw, addn to obs a 13' St betw Kenwood St & Kelton Rd, Zone R-1-5. Weatherspoon to constr rear yd where 20 1 rear C-11083 I) Card #3 an 18 1 x 22 1 fam rm addn yd is req; 690 Pyramid 3-14-72 Lot 156- Permit to John E. & Peggy Ann Minafee to constr a 35' x 16' residential patio addn to exist sin faro dwell;;addn to obs a 13' rear yard, where 20' is req, at 734 Pyramid St. betw Kenwood St and Kelton Rd., Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. C-11793 2-21-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 325- WITHDRAWN- Request of Homer R. & Minnie L. Franklin to erect and maintain for a period of one year, double-faced, 3' x 5', overall neight- 9' subdivision directional sign advertising "Emerald Hills" located to the north; sign to observe O' SB on both streets where 10' is estab; SE cor Roswell St and Kelton Rd. Zone R-1-5. c-11933 5-11-73 Lot 354- The Asst. Z.A. has cons the AMENDED req of Mack and Florence Brown to constr lb-ft x 23 ft. dining-room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 17'2" rear yd where 20 ft. is req, at 974 Kelton Rd., betwn Roswell and Bollenbacher Sts, Zone R-1-5 and has APPROVED the request- Cond'l c-11,904 5-10-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------