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Empire Addn. Encanto Heights Card 2

EMPIRE ADDN. ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 2.tif EMPIRE ADDITION ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD NO. 2 Lot 170 except Ely 31,8'- Pennit to Jack McPherson to constr single fam res & a 2nd res at future date, on NEly corner Fulmar & Tooley Sts., Zone R-2; 10' setback to be observ on Fulm&r St & standard setback on Tooley. case No. 462 5-21-56-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 215- Permit to John D. & Caroline L. Fox to cons tr single fam res to observ 10' setback on Fulmar (3' setback DENIED), 220' N of Tooley, Zone R-2; Condl. case No. 718 8-24-56-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nly 75' of Lot 135- Permit to Gail M, & Thelma T. Sheets to constr single fam res, making 2 units or. parcel split after original zor:ine; but prior to 12-5-54; on Repnblic St, 500' S of Tooley St, Zor.e R-2. Case No. 1062 3-11-5"(Lot 45- Permit DENIED for 4 living u".lits or:. the er.Ure parcel, to Edward J. Kane, but APl'ROVED for dividing into 2 sites w/1 res or. ea site, SW corner of Weaver & Dipper,_____ Zone_R-2._________________________________________________ case_No._1996____ 8-22-58_____ Sly 70' of Lot 204- Permit to Anthony R. & Eula Jean Vastola to constr single fam res w/attach garage on parcel split prior to 12-5-54, at NE corner 6oth & Fulrnar St.s, Zone R-2, on condition that only one dwell may be located on this property u.'1.less_____ zoning_is_chan~ed.________________________________________ Case_No._3095____ 2-12-6o_____ Lots 162 & 163- Pemit to Alton & Ruby Peters to constr single faro res & garage, making 3 units on parcel at 6121 Fulmar St, Zone R-2. Case No. 3254 4-8-60______________________!______________________________________________________________________ Lot 100- Permit to Thomas J. & Ina B. Sheppard to constr single fam res w/garage in embankment beneath, dwell to observ 10' setback where the average of the blk 35' is req on Republic St betw Tooley & Weaver Sts, Zone R-2. Case No. 5673 5-8-63