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Empire Addn. Encanto Heights Card 5

EMPIRE ADDN. ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 5.tif EMPIRE ADDITION ENCANTO HEIGHTS- ~")..CARD #5 Lots 68- 70- Permit to Ernest & Elizabeth Szikszay to erect 225 1 of 6 1 hi solid & chain link fence obs 11 frontyd where max 3' hi fence is perm in 25' req frontyd, 6304 Radio Dr., Zone R-1-20, Cond I I C-13359 N.H. 10-20-75----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W 50' Lot 127- Hillstde Review Permit to Ozier for deck & rm addn, 6137 Tooley St. 263-HR 2-18-76 Lot 210- Hillisde Review Permit to Sandoval Const. Inc. for house & Driveway, 6118 Fulmar St. 272-HR 3-17-76 Lot 142- Permit to Rosalyn F. & Howard Heath to constr 1,040 sq. ft. garage addn on lot with existing single-fam dwel I; addn to obs 20' rear yd where 25' is req at 1622 Republic St, Zone R-1-20. CONDITIONS C-13,836 NH 8-10-76---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 33, 34 &], 36 & 38- Request of Robert L. Fox to const on five subst lots, access ~~=~~;#~~~!=~~-~~~5t-111:-:.J~:~J_:~~=-~=~==~:--=~~~~~~~~~:==~~~~::___:::~=~~:_____ Lot 99- Permit to Hack B. Shelby, Jr., to canst a sfd obs a 10 1 front yd and obs a 5' int sd yd to res in a ht of 361 in the 1600 block of Republic Street. R-1-20 Zone. C-14642. 10-21-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 145- Permit to James W. & Hazel M. Higgins to erect approx 90 1 of 7' high ret wall to obs a O' int side yard at 6015 Egret Street. R-1-10 Zone. Conditions. C-15488 NH. 9-18-]ti.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------