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Development Services

Encanto Heights Block 10

ENCANTO HEIGHTS BLOCK 10.tif 11:JfC.AftO DIGE'S BLOCK 10 Lot 10, except I' 150'- Perait to Encanto Methodist Church to conatr "V" shaped dbl.e- f'ace, interior lighted, free-standing sign (bulletia bd), ea pane1 6 x 8 observ req setback on vacant lot adJ ch~h; JU corner 65th lo Brooklyn Ave; Zone R-4.. Case Ko. 3031 1-8-60------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 16,- ZA APPROVED request of VERNON B. & DELIA M. HOLLOWAY to constr. a 340 sq. ft. addn. creating a new laundry room, expanding the bedroom, bathroom and 1 iving room of a one-story, single-family residence on a lot with two legal nonconforming, single-family residences built before Oct., 1974 at 806 Madera St., Zone Rl-6000 with cond. C-19167 5/25/86-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------